
Heather's Journey - Day 8

Day 8 has been a pretty good day for Heather. She has been fairly active and the RN has not had to give her nearly as much pain medication as the last few days. Heather did have some pain tonight..there is a electrode on her forehead that is really hurting her. I guess the Doctors are going to reposition it tomorrow. Hopefully that will lesson the pain. They continue to strive to get her to seize and conduct some testing...The goal is to be ready for surgery on Friday. :(   (AMEN-per Heather) We will just have to be patient and see what transpires.. Sometimes our wishes are not he same as God's wishes....He knows what is best for us! We have to just trust Him!

1 Thessalonians 2:4 Our purpose is to please God, not people. He is the one who examines the motives of our hearts.

I saw Heather post this tonight on Twitter and it rang something in my heart about the last week. Many of you may know my story, but I'm sure others do not. I'm not going to get into all the gory (only some-per Heather-he is dear!)  :) details tonight..plus this blog is not about me..;) But I will share my story enough to tell you that I have not lived up to this verse in my life. My entire life I did everything I could to please people. Sadly, that meant many poor decisions which caused heartache not only in my life, but also those people I was trying the please the most. Heather has always preached that I loved her too much. That I needed to focus less of my attention on her and more on Jesus. Don't get me wrong...I love God..but at times I forget that He should be #1 in everything I do. Over the course of my marriage to Heather I have been on a journey...a different journey than the one Heather is on..but a journey none the less. Heather talks about how she welcomes her epilepsy because it has forced her to put God first...That is the amazing thing about suffering...why is it so much easier to come to Christ when we are suffering rather than when things are good? Why is it easier to pray and surrender in hard times?
Heather has been an instrument of God in my life. Through her. God continues to mold my heart and teach me life lessons. These lessons are continuing to be solidified this week. By witnessing others actions and their outpouring of love for my wife and our family and by experiencing the pure joy of being a part of her story...her journey...I am realizing first hand the power of putting God first in our lives and I pray you are as well. What incredible satisfaction to honor our Savior first! He will not disappoint us and He will also open our eyes to the secrets of joy in this life if we choose to put Him above everything else. By putting Him first..others are pleased...God stands for us and wants us to receive joy. He is a God of Love and if we "pay it forward" His love will spread like wildfire..it will consume us..and everyone who calls Him Lord and is in the path will be caught up in a journey of a lifetime if we allow Him to lead. This is the key to happiness in life. Love the Lord God will all of your heart, mind, soul...He will love us back.
Miracles are happening everyday...enjoy the journey.

Until tomorrow. @flyingchristian (Christian Siebens)

Colossians 4: 5 
Live wisely among those who are not Christians, and make the most of every opportunity.
Colossians 2: 8 
Don't let anyone lead you astray with empty philosophy and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world, and not from Christ.


  1. Without a test there can be no testimony. Our mess becomes our message.
    In our times of testing I believe that not only is our faith tried (proven, examined) we in some ways try (test, examine) our God. Each and every time, He passes with flying colors, just as His Word says He will.
    I don't know how people make it without Jesus Christ being central in their life but I do know that without Him I am nothing. With Him all things are possible--including living a victorious life that allows us to be seated in heavenly places with Christ, far above the circumstances.
    Hetty is a living testament to this. It is my prayer that I will be one, too.
    Continued prayers for all of you!

  2. Christian thank you for the update. I was blessed by your words. Thank you for sharing. Praying for Hetty and your family. Lots of Hugs and Love and Blessings to you guys.
